Courses Taken at the University of Florida
This is the page for all of the courses I have taken so far as a biochemistry and women's studies double major at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida.
Science Classes
General Biology:
BSC2010 and BSC2010L
BSC2011 and BSC2011L
General Chemistry:
CHM2045 and CHM2045L
CHM2046 and CHM2046L
ENY3005 (Entymology)
BMS4905 (Research Credit)
HSC3537 (Medical Terminology)
MCB2000 and MCB2000L
MCB4203 (Bacterial Pathogens)
Organic Chemistry:
CHM2010 and CHM2011
Math Classes
MAC2311 (Calculus I)
MAC2312 (Calculus II)
STA2023 (Statistics I)
STA3024 (Statistics II)
Humanities Classes
IDS2935: Women Changing Society Through Music
WST4911: Women's Studies Research for Credit
CLP3144: Abnormal Psychology
WST2612: Social Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
WST3015: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Women's Studies